Search Results
ASMR: Magic The Tingling - sleeving my "vintage" MTG deck [male. soft spoken, crinkle and tapping]
ASMR: Un-Sleeving and Re-Sleeving a Magic Deck (Card Shuffling/Sliding, Almost No Talking)
Talking about my Commander Deck mtg **Whisper soft spoken ASMR**
Magic the Gathering Soft Spoken ASMR
ASMR Magic: the Gathering Lands [Soft Spoken Whispers] [ASMR] [MTG] [ASMR for Sleep]
ASMR: Sleeving and Unsleeving Magic The Gathering Cards (No Talking)
Sleeving a Standard Mono White Prison Deck ASMR | {MTG ASMR}
ASMR explaining Magic: The Gathering pt. 2 (card sounds, tapping)
ASMR Magic: The Gathering ⭐ Rakdos EDH / Commander Deck ⭐ Soft Spoken ⭐ Card Sounds
Talking about my Magic the gathering Decks - asmr whispering
ASMR Magic: The Gathering Horror Deck ⭐ Soft Spoken ⭐ EDH
ASMR Magic: The Gathering ⭐ Dimir Zombie (Blue/Black) Commander/EDH Deck ⭐ Soft Spoken